How To Get Kids To Exercise

How To Get Kids To Exercise

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How To Get Kids To Exercise

Making sure kids get enough exercise these days can be tough, but it doesn't have to be impossible. Here are ways to get your kids to work out without them.

How To Get Kids To Exercise

When adults exercise, they tend to jog, go to the gym, or lift weights. They choose an activity specifically for their benefits. However, kids don't do this. They play, and the workout they get is just a fringe benefit. Here's how to use this to your advantage and make sure your children are getting enough exercise every day.

Work Out As a Family

If you choose fun activities to do together as a family, you can be well on your way to getting your children physically fit. Hiking or cycling together are things kids love. In the winter go skating together or even sledding. After the fun of sliding down the hill, everyone gets exercise pulling the sleds back up again.

How To Get Kids To Exercise Hiking
Choose whatever you're interested in. Team sports like soccer and baseball can be modified to accommodate just a few people. Playing tag or even flying a kite can be a great way to bond as well.

When you go to the beach in the summer, bring a Frisbee and a beach ball. After everyone has gone for a swim, you can play with these in or out of the water to continue to get some fun exercise. End the day with a long walk along the beach. You'll all work a few extra leg muscles because walking through sand is more difficult.

How To Get Kids To Exercise Beach

Learn a new sport together. Everyone will enjoy trying something new, and the kids will enjoy seeing Mom and Dad struggle just like them.

Make Children's Exercise Fun

No child will run for an hour on a treadmill, but chase each other around the yard for an hour, and chances are, your child will want to keep going. The same goes for dancing around the living room to catchy music.

If stuck inside on a rainy day, pull out one of the many video games that keep kids active and moving while they play. If you use these sparingly, your kids will get more out of them than if they're available all the time.

Get your children to help with things like gardening, raking leaves, snow shoveling, or even vacuuming. Young ones especially love doing what their parents do.

How To Get Kids To Exercise Gardening

If you do decide to do traditional exercise, try something like yoga. The animal names for many of the poses are perfect for kids to imitate.

By making physical activity part of your daily life, and by including all members of the family, you can help your children become physically fit and stay that way.

How To Get Kids To Exercise

How To Get Kids To Exercise

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